Hi-Cone is committed to using Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) content and eliminating its use of virgin plastic as we continue to bring innovative multi-packaging solutions to store shelves around the world.
Hi-Cone is a leading supplier of multipackaging systems for global beer, soft drink and general products industries. We are advocates of packaging alternatives that are sustainable, effective and environmentally friendly for both our customers and our community. Our products are developed with maximum quality, exceptional value and innovation. We meet those demands by offering cost-effective minimal packaging solutions that out-perform the rest while reducing the impact of content waste on the environment.
The needs of our customers and community constantly change. That’s why we proactively research ways to maximize value by developing and improving packaging technology. We help our customers to achieve maximum success by minimizing material input and maximizing quality output.

Hi-Cone’s Key Commitments to Reduce, Recycle and Reuse Content.
Hi-Cone ring carriers offer high-performance and a low-environmental footprint for the global beverage packaging market. We have long recognized that sustainability and protection of the natural environment are vital to our operations, our customers and to consumers. From using post-consumer recycled content in our manufacturing to recycling ring carriers to keep them in the circular economy, we build sustainability and environmental responsibility into every element of our ring carriers.
Overcoming the growing threat that plastic waste poses to our communities and marine environments is a challenge we all face.
Working together we can build a world where plastics need never become waste. Watch the video here and visit RingRecycleMe.com to learn more.
Hi-Cone is Committed to the Goal of Global Responsibility
Following strict sustainability principles, we make a commitment to the environment, the community and to our business partners. That’s why we are active in numerous initiatives:
U.S. Plastics Pact
New Plastics Economy
Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC)
Junior Achievement
United Way
Consumer Goods Forum
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U.S. Plastics Pact Applauds Hi-Cone’s Achiev...

LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT: How Hi-Cone is employing th...