RingCycles™ Ring Carriers are one more way we’re partnering with our clients for better packaging that’s better for our planet.
As one of the world’s largest manufacturers, we are taking the lead to help create a more sustainable future.
Hi-Cone is achieving its sustainability goal through our efforts in establishing a circularization of materials.
Visit our Sustainability Resource Library
Literature that can help you Reduce, Recycle & Reuse Plastics

Overcoming the growing threat that plastic waste poses to our communities and marine environments is a challenge we all face.
Working together we can build a world where plastics need never become waste. Watch the video here and visit RingRecycleMe.com to learn more.
Hi-Cone is Committed to the Goal of Global Responsibility
Following strict sustainability principles, we make a commitment to the environment, the community and to our business partners. That’s why we are active in numerous initiatives:
Environmental Partners

Social Responsibility Partners